Let go of those that want to hurt you!

Over the past few days the following little clips have come to me. Possibly to prepare me for the spiteful and immature vendetta that someone is trying to create about old stuff that happened years ago, forgotten, done and dusted and put into the files of life's learning experience.  

So, I have a choice; to react with anger and retaliate or just to shrug and let it go.  I am choosing to let it go, but in doing so would just like to share it with others. 

‎... that generosity will make you rich. The best thing to do if you're feeling poor is to give something away. Give a few dollars to a homeless person, some clothes to a thrift store or pay for the person behind you at the drive through. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, focus on what you do have and how you can bless others with it. Being able to give is a Divine gift in itself.
Letting go makes you wealthier. Wealth is never measured by what you have, but by what you can give away. You are rich with money when you can afford to donate. You are rich with love when you can give love freely. You are rich with God when you can behold your enemy with compassion.
So dear lady,
To you who has such hatred, how sad that you are so angry. I would have thought that you had moved on, grown, matured and let go of past unpleasantness. I am stronger because of you, as your actions no longer cause me concern, upset me a little, yes, but then I take a big breath and let you go.........................
Just remember that you reap what you sew...........

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