Richard Maxwell on the Wild Coast South Africa

Richard Maxwell @ Sunray Farm
I have admired the work of Richard Maxwell for many years, and have read all his books from cover to cover.  His methodology resonated with me from the beginning.  I like the way he has taken little bits of everything, from Monty Roberts, through Parelli, to a mired of other horsemanship principals to create "The Maxwell Way"
Max, as he is fondly know is not just a really nice person, but an incredible horseman.

Imagine my delight when he and his wife Sam accepted my invitation to ride with us on the Wild Coast at the beginning of 2014.  I was a little awestruck at first - this was a "celebrity" in our midst but we all soon relaxed, it was like being with old friends.

We had an awesome week doing our 7 night Wild Coast Horse Trail, I was also privately very chuffed that Max liked my little mare Tara, we even got Max riding bareback crossing the rivers!  A first for him!

We had also organised a 3 day workshop for Max to do at our local riding club in East London.  It was well supported - thanks to Klara Web for doing the organizing and to the Border Equestrian Club for hosting the event!

The real treat was being able to host Max and Sam at home, Sunray Farm.  It really was inspiring to see Max in action - on my horses!
Our horses are all started using Join Up & T Touch Methodology, sprinkled with Parelli, and lots of common sense and many years of experience, so the horses were all very open to work with Max.  What I did realize while watching this horse master at work is how much more we have to learn and refine!

While with us, Max introduced us to the Masterson Technique of body work, and even at an introduction level of doing these exercises we could see the relief and difference in the horses that we worked on.  Ashley is particularly keen to learn and do more of this to enable him to support our competing endurance horses and hard working trail team.
Max working with Tic Tac

Max took his time working through our herd and explaining the Masterson Technique to us.
So, thank you Max and Sam for taking the time to be with us, I am sure that this is not the last visit and I look forward to a long and fruitful friendship.

If you would like to find out more about Richard Maxwell you can find him on Facebook

Fun with the young horses

We had some fun the other day playing with the youngsters, and introduced them to this huge ball. It was unbelievable how curious they were, and they followed it around for ages.
The idea is to teach the horses how to play "football" and kick it with their front feet while being ridden.  Two teams and a goal post each will complete the game. I think it will be loads of fun and make for lots of laughter and some fun riding!

What do you think?

Christmas on the Wild Coast at Sunray Farm

This past Christmas we had a full house at Sunray Farm.  It was the biggest Christmas that I have ever had to do, and it was awesome!

Staying at Sunray is not like other smart lodges and camps found on safari. When you come to stay with us, expect to make yourself at home!